Friday, September 21, 2007


In 2000 in a book entitled An Uncommon Faith, my wife wrote about Faith’s early life and some of her challenges and adventures in developing the ministry in New York. Faith is a modern-day example of how God can use a young college graduate from Colorado to touch hundreds of lives caught in the trap of sin (drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, gang members) with the power of the Gospel. Her life is a tremendous example for us all; if God can use Faith Brown in such a powerful way, He can use you, too!

The ministry Faith helped establish continues to flourish to this day, an enduring testimony of her life and witness nearly twenty years after her death from cancer. This ministry is active on nearly forty high-school and college campuses and in many other areas of ministry in the “Big Apple.” On a regular basis we are going to feature some of Faith’s writings on this blog. For information on how to purchase a copy of An Uncommon Faith, send an e-mail to and request information on the book. You can also request information on the New York ministry that Faith began and we will send that as well. Here is a sample of Faith's writings.



I consider myself militant and I consider Christianity a call to militancy. Militancy calls to mind total dedication to a stated cause.

Jesus Christ said that if we are to live, we must be willing to lose our lives in Him. Is there any greater dedication than this? Militancy demands our time and persistence. Every time I see a member of the Jehovah’s Witness group standing on a street corner giving out “false” teaching, I wonder why Christians are so afraid to stand on the same corner giving out the truth.

This past week I did some door-to-door visiting in a building in our neighborhood in the South Bronx. There were thirty apartments in this building. Twenty-five doors were answered and of this number, five let us know that they belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Upon questioning, not one of them seemed to know the Lord.

It pays to stand on the street and peddle lies! That’s why the devil gets false teachers to use the approaches of the Bible to win converts to false religions that teach that Jesus Christ is not Lord. And many of these “converts” become followers of the false religion, even though the teachings are contrary to what they were taught in their Catholic or Protestant churches. Why? Because when they were as lonely as hell, or their homes were being shattered by drugs, who was there with a smile and a claim to have the answer? The Jehovah’s Witnesses—sitting in their kitchens, right in the middle of the worst ghettos in America, winning converts by the hundreds of thousands.

Where are the saved, Spirit-filled believers who know that Jesus is Lord? In churches shouting and testifying, or learning more of the Word so they will be sure to be ready to meet Jesus when He comes to rescue them from their miserable lives. Or watching some evangelist on television tell them how to get something for themselves by sending money to him. And the devil is running rampant in the minds of lost, lonely people who would readily accept the Truth if He were presented to them before they were brainwashed into rejecting Him.

I dare you to get militant enough to actually begin to carry out the teachings of Jesus Christ. You’ll begin to realize how really militant you are by all the weird looks the Christian friends at your church give you when they hear that you are actually winning people to Jesus Christ. (“Good grief, why doesn’t she just stay at home and watch TV or do some crafts?”)

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