Friday, January 23, 2015


“If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step (walk) with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25, ESV).

I believe that actually walking in step with the Holy Spirit is a vague concept for most Christians to grasp.  

Several years ago as I was preparing a sermon, I stumbled across something Jesus said that throws light on how to stay in step with the Holy Spirit. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for you souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30, ESV). 

At salvation, we enter into “rest.” There is a cessation/a stopping of the human attempt to please God and instead, as we embrace the sacrifice of Jesus for our sin, as the "rest" is given to us, we see that it is a gift (see Ephesians 2:8 and 9). We call this gift “salvation” and this is the first “rest” that Jesus speaks of in this passage in Matthew 11. The Greek word used here for rest means to take a break from work or activity in order to be refreshed.

In 11:29, as Jesus is continuing this teaching to those who have received Him as Savior, He says, “Take My yoke upon you . . .  and you will find rest for your souls.” This is the second “rest” Jesus spoke of in the passage and it is different from the first.

The yoke was used to link two farm animals together to pull a plough or a wagon. In Scripture the word “yoke” is used symbolically to indicate “being in submission.” Christians in the Western world (America) tend to choke on the word “submission”—the spirits of chauvinism and feminism collide (yes, in the Church). Domineering men want to be in charge of everything and feministic women are having no part of any of that, in or out of the Church, because they also want to be in charge. Both of them are wrong because they have missed the import of what Jesus was teaching here. Jesus does not teach submission as, “I am in charge and you’ll do what I say, no questions asked. Now get with the program.” That is not about submission, that is dictatorial and there is plenty of that around if you like that kind of thing. But it is not what Jesus is teaching.

Jesus says, “Take my yoke.” This is an invitation into a relationship— not a command but, rather, an invitation that will culminate in a release of a promise.

I am going to give you my interpretation of verses 29 and 30 but first let me give you the meaning of the word “rest” in verse 29. Then I hope all this will make sense.

The word “rest” in verse 29 does not mean to take a “break from work” but instead to find “rest” while you are “at work.” It is not the “rest” of inactivity but of the harmonious working together of the will, the heart, and the conscience because when we let Jesus/Holy Spirit take the lead, everything suddenly works together, everything makes sense.

My understanding of verses 28 and 29 goes like this. We know that Jesus works in us and through us by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is saying, “Life is like a dance, so would you partner with Me through the Holy Spirit? If you will let the Holy Spirit lead while you follow, you will make an awesome dance team. The Holy Spirit is an excellent teacher and He will not stand on your toes. His leading is always gentle and sensitive and together you will make a formidable team!”

In any successful dance team there can be only one leader; the partner has learned to anticipate and follow. This is the harmony that Jesus was speaking of when He used the word “rest” in verse 29. It is the harmony of coming into synch with the leadership of the Holy Spirit which will make the dance team a flowing, whirling portrait of beauty and grace. It is the “rest” of success.

This is real/genuine submission. It is not one person “lording it over” another. It is two flowing together in recognition of who is leading and who is following. It is a work of beauty and it magnifies our personal gifts and talents to the highest degree possible.

It is not weakness to give another person the lead in the dance team. Weakness is when arrogance drives one to demand the lead when the more experienced partner is ready and willing to lead. Jesus says, “You will find rest . . . for My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

It’s time to dance! It’s time to get in step with the Holy Spirit!

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