Friday, March 16, 2012


We’ve had an unusual winter in Texas, weather-wise!

I’m not a real fan of winter weather but this one has made me a little uneasy because it has been so unusual. We’ve had no lengthy cold spells, only one very brief flirtation with snow, no ice storms, very minor freezing and a lot of days in the ’60s, ’70s and a few into the ’80s. This is North Texas (the northern section of the Promised Land) and we expect a little more actual winter than this.

But our unusual weather has been somewhat of a mirror of a lot of unusual happenings in our world within the last year. One year ago the tsunami struck Japan and the devastation of that is still being uncovered. Europe teeters on the brink of economic disaster. The Middle East is full of saber rattling and unfinished wars and atrocities. The United States is broke and the government is unwilling and unable to deal with the situation. In the last year there have been earthquakes in Virginia, Colorado, Texas, Arkansas, Ohio, Missouri and New York. Every direction that we turn, we find unusual things happening and it seems like disaster is right around the corner.

Frustration is breaking out everywhere. It seems as if daily there are reports of random shootings taking place in public places. People suddenly lose control and become violent. A few days ago an airline stewardess lost control on a plane about to take off and had to be restrained by crew members and passengers. Reports of senseless violence and people out of control seem to appear almost every day in the media.

One of the prophetic announcements about the day of the Lord, or as we call it in church, “the second coming of Christ,” is found in Hebrews 12:26-27. “When God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth, but now he makes another promise: ‘Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also’” (NLT). In The Message Bible this statement is: “His voice that time shook the earth to its foundations; this time — he's told us this quite plainly — he'll also rock the heavens.”

The shaking that is going on in the earth is being orchestrated by heaven. It is preparation for the final event as described in prophetic announcements and teachings in both the Old and New Testaments.

It is very easy, even for believers, to analyze what the Scriptures say about the end times, look at what is going on in our world right now, and then slip into fear and anxiety.

To all God’s people, in this hour, comes a very special and powerful promise.

"Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5-6, NKJV).

The first part of this verse deals with the conduct of our life toward material things. We are not to clutch and grasp at these temporal things. This kind of lifestyle is not to be overly embraced by God’s people. Those who covet possessions are focusing on the wrong issues and that focus will weaken them in tough days. Covetous people have opened a door to the fear of being abandoned and left alone; they have a fear that God does not keep His promises! This verse is not saying it is wrong to have nice things. No, it is talking about priorities and focus.

Note what verse 5 says: “For He Himself has said . . .” You’ve always wanted to have God talk directly to you, right? Well, here it is! This is God’s direct promise to you: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

This is an emphatic promise and the usual English rendering of this does not really do the promise justice; it doesn’t get the meaning across to us. From the original language this promise would read something more like this: “I will not, I will not stop providing for you or undergirding you; I will not abandon you or leave you helpless in dangerous, difficult or hostile circumstances.”

How many times in Scripture do we see that our heavenly Father gets this strong and direct with us? For Him to repeat three times, “I will not!” means He does not want us to miss the message. He is declaring, “I am not going to run off and leave you like that loved one did just when you needed him the most; I’m not going to break your heart and leave you alone, helpless and without defense. I am not going to make a promise and then not follow through. I will not, I will not, I WILL NOT!”

I am not a perfect dad — just ask my daughters. There were times when I raised my voice to my children. I tried not to raise my voice when I was upset about something but only when I wanted them to understand how strongly I felt about the subject under discussion — not in anger but in intensity.

Sometimes the only way to quiet a tumultuous situation is to speak loudly and sharply so as to cut through the noise and confusion. I believe God is raising His voice to cut through the chaos and get our attention focused on His promise to us.

I believe the repetition in this verse is God raising His voice and showing His intensity because He wants to make sure we get the message. He is not raising His voice in anger but, like a loving father, He is reassuring His children who are being buffeted on all sides and wondering what is going to happen next.

Wrap your arms around this promise. Memorize it and keep it in front of you. I believe this promise is especially tailored for those of us who are alive now, living in these tempestuous days. God is rocking the heavens!

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