King Saul’s army was desperate for a breakthrough (see 1Samuel 17). They were caught in a Vietnam/Afghanistan-like quagmire. For forty days they had been in the Valley of Elah facing the Philistines and for forty days the armies had faced each other without a significant battle—it was a classic standoff!
Every day the two armies lined up on their respective sides of the valley and taunted each other. And every day the Philistines sent out their champion, Goliath, who ridiculed and vulgarly insulted the Jews—and what a splendid champion the Philistines had! Standing over nine feet tall and dressed in gleaming brass armor, Goliath was terrifyingly magnificent, a battle-hardened killing machine. Every day he broke from the ranks of the Philistine army and walked alone into the combat zone. Just the sight of him was enough to frighten the average soldier, who had to be thinking, “Who could ever fight this man? He’s bigger than life!”
Goliath didn’t just pose and flaunt his stature and weapons but he mocked the Jews and called them children and dogs! He took it one step further and taunted them with, “Let’s make this mano a mano (one-on-one, hand-to-hand combat).” His challenge was, “Choose a champion from among you and the two of us will fight. If he wins, we will be your servants! If I win, you will be our servants!”
Try to imagine the despair that must have settled on the Israelites as day after day they were insulted and taunted! No champion arose from their midst, not even Saul or any of his personal guard; they were all intimidated by the overpowering spectacle of Goliath. His terrifying challenges and the awful majesty of his size and power rendered the Jews completely impotent!
I believe that, in large measure, the church of today has been intimidated by a Goliath and rendered impotent. The church in the U.S. and Canada is so mired in complacency that bigness is equated with breakthrough and blessing. There is little hunger for more of God in the church! Jesus speaks to the church and says, “You are like lukewarm water…. You say, I am rich, I have everything…and you don’t realize you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked…. If you hear my voice and open the door…I will come in” (see Revelation 3:16-20 NIV).
The Jews were desperate for a breakthrough or they would lose it all. But a breakthrough came for Israel and I believe one is coming for us, too. However, I am not sure we are ready for the kind of breakthrough God provided for Israel in the Valley of Elah.
Into this despair-riddled situation came an unlikely candidate for champion, a young shepherd boy! Yes, shepherds were tough, resilient men but the enemy here was a life-long, bigger-than-life-itself, battle-hardened warrior. And to this monster they were going to send a boy? An unlikely choice for a hero!
Then there was the matter of his weaponry. The boy didn’t use a sword or a spear; he didn’t even have either. Instead, he brought a sling! A sling? Talk about an unlikely weapon for a potential champion to fight with!
And then there were David’s tactics. First, he appeared totally unprepared for this conflict; he had no armor and no stones to use in his sling. In fact, he refused to wear armor and simply picked up several stones as he went out to meet Goliath. Then he did the most unlikely thing. Instead of walking out like champions do, taunting their enemy, showing their weapons, flexing their muscles, David did exactly the opposite. He ran straight at Goliath—a very implausible tactic!
I am sure there was bewilderment in the ranks of the Jewish soldiers as they watched this drama unfold. When they saw David prepare the sling and saw him “fire” at Goliath, I am certain they stood in total disbelief at what they were seeing. For a moment after David “fired,” nothing visible happened and I think that many of the army of Saul were prepared for the terrible sight of one of their own being cruelly cut to pieces by an enraged enemy. But then one of the Jewish soldiers noticed a spot appear in the middle of Goliath’s forehead, and a trickle of blood began to run down into his eyes. As they watched, the giant’s knees slowly buckled and the rest, as they say, is history.
An unlikely champion, with questionable weapons and dubious tactics brought about an unbelievable breakthrough. The church of today needs a breakthrough and I believe it is going to happen—and soon. I believe we are going to see unlikely champions arise that will lead the church into battle and to great victory.
I don’t believe these champions are going to come from the ranks of the stars of Christian television or from among “celebrity Christians.” In quiet corners, out of the sight of everybody but God, are men and women who, by the Holy Spirit, are being prepared for battle. These yet unknown champions have found a place of intimate communion with our Father; they are aggressive consumers of the Word of God and they are quietly learning the lessions of faith and victory. Someday soon, when the fullness of time has come, the Father will send them to take supplies (encouragement) to their brethren and the breakthrough will begin!
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