Friday, December 11, 2009


Have you seen the TV commercial for an investment company that features a progressing green line? I’ve seen the commercial several times during the evening national news. The premise is very simple; if you follow their advice, which is illustrated as a progressive green line, you will be financially successful. As you move forward in life, the green line shows you which direction to take.

One of the variations on the ad shows a man following the green line right to a new car dealership. The traveler stops to look at the cars, gets that faraway look in his eyes (you can tell he is picturing himself in that gorgeous car), and then steps off the line to go into the dealership. As he steps off the line, one of the investment advisers appears a few feet behind him, smiles, and says, “Stay on the line.” The man does as he is told and the commercial shows him following the green line into the future and the implied success that the following of the line will bring.

This is an interesting commercial because it taps into our desire to live a basically productive, successful life. It also is a great illustration of a biblical truth about God’s guidance and His desire to direct and make His people successful.

Isaiah 30:21
Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
“This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left.

Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.”

John 10:3-4
“….the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.”

Psalm 119:105
“Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.”

All these verses are essentially saying the same thing: “Direction is available, He will lead us.” Not only does the Lord provide us the line to follow, but when we are tempted to take a side trip, our adviser, the Holy Spirit, will remind us, “Stay on the line.”

No one ever went astray by listening to His voice. Our troubles begin when we start listening to other voices and elevating them above His. As much as I appreciate Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly and all the other General Presbyters of the Assemblies of God, their wisdom and insights are interesting but they do not guide my life.

In the late spring of 2008, God began speaking to Carol and me about selling our home. We were in agreement that this was what the Lord wanted us to do, but there was one little hitch. Carol was ready to make the move right away but I was having a struggle over the timing. By early summer last year, the economy was falling apart and nowhere was it worse than in the housing market. “Lord” I argued, “couldn’t we wait for a better time, when market conditions are more favorable?” My whining and logic didn’t move Him at all. So with certain reticence on my part, we put our house on the market in mid-September. I fully expected it to take at least four to six months to sell and figured we would take a bath on the price of selling. In the back of my mind I was wondering, “How could this be God?”

It is impossible for me to tell you how surprised I was when less than 48 hours after we listed the home for sale, it was sold—and for a fair price in any market. I believe this was a miracle, given the prevailing market and economic conditions, and we give all the glory to Him. My struggle was not so much of staying on the line He had established for us but in my wanting to dictate the timing. Will I never learn?

Following the line set out for us may take us through territory we don’t fully understand and it may involve timing we don’t understand. It’s at moments like this that we need to remind ourselves, “He is God and I am not!” He does not owe me an explanation of everything He does.

The “follow the green line” commercial implies that if we do so, we will achieve success. As Christ followers, we have a better promise! Our promise is that if we follow the path God established for us, we will:

1. Achieve success in life according to His plan and this means we are recipients of His blessing.

2. We will not only have a rear guard that advises us but He will lead us.

3. We have an instruction manual that works like a flashlight and shows us where to walk.

All things being equal, I think the guarantee that is extended to Christ followers is far superior to one that implies success. Frankly, I don’t trust much that comes from the Wall Street/banker types of this world. Can I hear an amen?

Stay on the line!

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