Monday, November 3, 2008


Militant atheism is on the attack!

In a 9/15/08 news article in The Christian Post, one of the leading voices of militant atheism in America is quoted: “I want to get them away from relying on inspired texts and come up with their own conclusions, adopted by themselves based on their own reasons and evidence.” This was said by a former Church of Christ preacher who is now leading a crusade targeting students at Christian colleges. This pastor-turned-atheist is attempting to reach thousands of students studying in Christian colleges and cause them to question the authority of Scripture.

I am having an ongoing dialogue with a family friend who has embraced a tradition of following Jesus that is quite different from ours. One of the issues we have talked about is the authority of Scripture. My friend’s church has a strong view of the authority of Scripture but they also have a very high view of the edicts of the church. They view the proclamations of the church as being on a par with Scripture and the way they express this is by asserting that the doctrinal decisions made the by the church’s council are infallible.

Some would say that it is not logical that the Bible is the final authority for Christianity. It is the belief of some churches that the edicts and proclamations of the church councils down through history are needed because they balance out Scripture.

While I am totally in favor of commentaries, lexicons, the study of the original languages and the issuance of position papers by church bodies or denominations, none of these have a level of importance and value that is anywhere close to that of Scripture. To say that a position paper thought out by a group of men is infallible is, in my view, a step on the road to heresy.

I believe that those who struggle with the authority of Scripture and attempt to find logical arguments to back up their thinking may not realize it but they are not being honest. I don’t believe that their concern is over “the final authority of the Bible.” I believe their struggle is actually with their trust in God. As one man was heard to say, “If I don’t trust the man, there is no way I’m going to trust his word.” It is as though some in the church feel that God just couldn’t quite get it done right in the Bible so He needs a little help from us. So that no one misunderstands me, what I am saying is this: “Those who question the veracity of the Word are really saying, ‘We don’t fully trust God and therefore we don’t fully trust His Word!’”

Let me briefly tell you what I believe about the Bible and why I accept it as the final authority. I believe that Scripture is inspired (God-breathed) and inerrant (in original form without error).

1. 2 Timothy 3:16,17
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

2. Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

3. Psalm 12:6
The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”

When I present this verse, I am not attempting to elevate one translation or version over another. I believe in the intent of Scripture, that the truth being presented, the wisdom, the insights into God’s working, His character, His nature, the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, etc. are not limited to accuracy because we are reading one translation or another. Those who argue that God can only bless a certain translation ARE MISSING THE POINT ENTIRELY! (I put that in caps so you could tell I’m shouting.) The Word of God is pure and is not wrapped up and finding its highest form of expression in the King James English or in a modern translation. The purity is found in the “intent,” the inspiration of Scripture as it reaches into our hearts and minds and does its work in us. It definitely does not need a church council that arrogantly proclaims its own infallibility.

It is because Scripture is inspired and inerrant that atheism attacks it with such ferocity. The enemy is afraid of the Word and afraid of believers who know the Word.

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