The research article on David Wilkerson's THE VISION is still available by going to the Archives, on the lower right, and choosing 3/8-3/15.
There currently is a commercial for auto insurance showing a car that gets struck by lightning. Perhaps you’ve seen it.
Here’s the scene: A young businessman is in heavy, downtown traffic and not paying attention (that’s a trait of the young, and especially blondes). He accidentally bumps the van in front of him causing the van’s bumper to fall off. A sign on the van shows that it belongs to a convent, “The Sisters of Perpetual Mercy.” Immediately after the bumper tap, a very angelic-looking nun emerges from the van holding a 36-inch wooden ruler; she smiles at the offender and gently taps the hood of his car with the ruler. Continuing to smile, the nun never says a word and gets back in her van. The young man looks confused and then begins to laugh nervously with obvious relief. Suddenly out of the blue, as the driver is laughing, his car is hit by a bolt of lightning. The final scene of the commercial shows the confused and stunned young businessman sitting in his heavily damaged car with his clothes slightly smoking, a brand-new deep tan on his face, and his hair standing straight up.
I laugh every time I see the commercial. The person who dreamed this up has tapped into a fear that is resident in so many. The exploited fear is that God is really a nasty person looking for opportunities to swing his giant sword of justice with little provocation and, as I would put it, “crunch your Fritos just for the heck of it.”
Now let me tell you another story.
A businessman was about to go away on a trip. He called three employees into his office and gave them instructions.
“I have a project for you to work on while I am away. I’m going to give you each a different sum of money and I want you to invest the money and make it work for you the best way you can. I’ll expect a full report when I get back.” To first man he gave $5000, to the second he gave $2000, and to the last he gave $1000.
Upon his return the businessman called the three together and asked for a report.
“Boss,” the first man said, “You gave me $5000 and I was able to invest it and did very well. I am returning not only the $5000 but an additional $5000 that I was able to earn from the investment.”
The second man had a similar story and he handed his boss the full amount that he gave him to invest plus another $2000 that came in from his business scheme.
The final man gave his boss back the amount of money he had been given with the explanation, “I know you are a tough, no-nonsense, hard-to-please man. You are shrewd and aggressive in business and so I took the money and put it under my mattress where it would be safe. Here it is, all that you gave me. I didn’t lose a dime.”
The businessman looked at the third employee in amazement and asked, “Why didn’t you take the money and at least put it in a savings account to earn a little interest?”
The man replied, “Because I was afraid.”
This story is a parable found in Matthew 25:14-29; the businessman is God and the employees are his children (that would be us).
I find verses 24 and 25 to be very revealing about the misperceptions of the third employee. In verse 24 he describes his employer as “a hard man.” The third man perceived that God was a stern, angry man just looking for ways to mistreat His children. In the insurance commercial, the implication is that God is an angry man ready to throw down on anyone who makes a mistake or does something wrong. This is a wrong understanding, a wrong perception of God, His character and His nature.
In verse 25 when the man was challenged about why he did what he did, he said “I was afraid.”
This man did not fear God, he was afraid of God. The Bible says we are to fear God which means we reverently are in awe of Him, we honor and respect Him as the Creator, the one true God. You do not treat the eternal Creator of the Universe lightly and flippantly, you treat Him with respect that is born out of gratitude for who He is and what He has done for you. To be afraid of God is to be paralyzed into inactivity. People that are afraid don’t do anything except hide. The first two men in the parable had a healthy respect for their employer and they did what he asked.
I am not afraid of God but I do fear Him.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
The research article on David Wilkerson's THE VISION is still available by going to the Archives, on the lower right, and choosing 3/8-3/15.
To read online or buy a copy of Wilkerson's book GOD'S PLAN TO PROTECT HIS PEOPLE IN THE COMING DEPRESSION go to
At times it is difficult to process all the voices trying to talk to us, trying to get our attention:
• The secular media are on us all day, every day, trying to catch our attention, trying to put their agenda across, trying to get us to listen. The political agendas of America have found their voices in sound bytes picked up by the secular media and pushed at us as news.
• Our friends, and some not-so-friendlies, are constantly “talking” to us by cell phone, e-mail and the newest phenom of Facebook, Twitter and other social network sites. The volume here has turned up considerably in the last couple of years.
• Our families are in touch, thankfully, some almost every day—and these are welcome voices.
• God is talking! Can we hear Him over the noise of the life going on around us?
The voices are constant and at times, for our own sanity, we need to shut the door and listen to the One Who really has the answers.
I found this to be especially true a couple of weeks ago when David Wilkerson published his message “An Urgent Word.” Carol and I read the printed message when it came out on Saturday, March 7, and I admit that while I was not surprised, I was a bit stunned as I read it. The very next day, to my total surprise, a summation of David’s article appeared on The Drudge Report (which gets up to 26 million hits a day) and then the voices really started chattering about the prophetic announcement.
From the local newspaper in Tyler, Texas, to a mention in The Wall Street Journal by columnist Peggy Noonan, to countless references on blog sites and Web sites across the globe, the voices began talking about David’s prophetic insight. Joining the fray, of course, are the so-called “protectors of the truth” like Hank Hanagraff, who takes every opportunity he can to knock down everyone who doesn’t believe as he does. (Note to Hank: You are probably not going to be happy with your neighbors in heaven!) One of the articles I read was written by noted Baptist pastor John Piper who did a very credible job of exegeting 1 Thessalonians 5:20 but then blew it all when he said that he felt David’s suggestion about laying in store a 30-day supply of non-perishable foods was “extra-biblical.” (Note to John: Your prejudice is showing and this made you look petty and silly.)
Finally I stopped reading the articles; I closed the door and listened for what the Lord was trying to say to me about all of this. God didn’t talk to me about the article right away; He went to other issues first. First, the Lord reminded me that I have known David Wilkerson as a friend for over forty years. I know he is a man of prayer and I know that God talks to him. I trust David Wilkerson; he is a man of integrity and he is a man of the Word. Also, he is a man with a proven track record of faithful ministry. David is also a man of courage who has been willing to speak out even when others didn’t like it, and that’s more than I can say for a lot of other pastors and leaders who give voice only to popular things, things the crowds want to hear.
The next thing the Lord had me do was go to Genesis and read again the story of Noah and the flood. I read about how God spoke to Noah and when he shared what he had heard, nobody believed him; they thought he was crazy. I realized the flood was a type of the judgment of God on the sin of the world. God had Noah prepare an ark to house his family and a remnant of all living creatures. The ark, I realized, was more than a physical structure. It was the result of Noah’s faith and obedience and these, too, are where our deliverance and safety lies.
“For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water” (Genesis 7:17-18 NIV).
Noah and his family were safe because Noah listened to God, stepped out in faith and followed His instructions to the letter.
Our ark of safety in the coming storm is constructed by our faith and obedience. Our ark will ride on the surface of the waters just as Noah’s did!
“Don’t ask God to guide your steps if you are not willing to move your feet” (author unknown).
To read online or buy a copy of Wilkerson's book GOD'S PLAN TO PROTECT HIS PEOPLE IN THE COMING DEPRESSION go to
At times it is difficult to process all the voices trying to talk to us, trying to get our attention:
• The secular media are on us all day, every day, trying to catch our attention, trying to put their agenda across, trying to get us to listen. The political agendas of America have found their voices in sound bytes picked up by the secular media and pushed at us as news.
• Our friends, and some not-so-friendlies, are constantly “talking” to us by cell phone, e-mail and the newest phenom of Facebook, Twitter and other social network sites. The volume here has turned up considerably in the last couple of years.
• Our families are in touch, thankfully, some almost every day—and these are welcome voices.
• God is talking! Can we hear Him over the noise of the life going on around us?
The voices are constant and at times, for our own sanity, we need to shut the door and listen to the One Who really has the answers.
I found this to be especially true a couple of weeks ago when David Wilkerson published his message “An Urgent Word.” Carol and I read the printed message when it came out on Saturday, March 7, and I admit that while I was not surprised, I was a bit stunned as I read it. The very next day, to my total surprise, a summation of David’s article appeared on The Drudge Report (which gets up to 26 million hits a day) and then the voices really started chattering about the prophetic announcement.
From the local newspaper in Tyler, Texas, to a mention in The Wall Street Journal by columnist Peggy Noonan, to countless references on blog sites and Web sites across the globe, the voices began talking about David’s prophetic insight. Joining the fray, of course, are the so-called “protectors of the truth” like Hank Hanagraff, who takes every opportunity he can to knock down everyone who doesn’t believe as he does. (Note to Hank: You are probably not going to be happy with your neighbors in heaven!) One of the articles I read was written by noted Baptist pastor John Piper who did a very credible job of exegeting 1 Thessalonians 5:20 but then blew it all when he said that he felt David’s suggestion about laying in store a 30-day supply of non-perishable foods was “extra-biblical.” (Note to John: Your prejudice is showing and this made you look petty and silly.)
Finally I stopped reading the articles; I closed the door and listened for what the Lord was trying to say to me about all of this. God didn’t talk to me about the article right away; He went to other issues first. First, the Lord reminded me that I have known David Wilkerson as a friend for over forty years. I know he is a man of prayer and I know that God talks to him. I trust David Wilkerson; he is a man of integrity and he is a man of the Word. Also, he is a man with a proven track record of faithful ministry. David is also a man of courage who has been willing to speak out even when others didn’t like it, and that’s more than I can say for a lot of other pastors and leaders who give voice only to popular things, things the crowds want to hear.
The next thing the Lord had me do was go to Genesis and read again the story of Noah and the flood. I read about how God spoke to Noah and when he shared what he had heard, nobody believed him; they thought he was crazy. I realized the flood was a type of the judgment of God on the sin of the world. God had Noah prepare an ark to house his family and a remnant of all living creatures. The ark, I realized, was more than a physical structure. It was the result of Noah’s faith and obedience and these, too, are where our deliverance and safety lies.
“For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water” (Genesis 7:17-18 NIV).
Noah and his family were safe because Noah listened to God, stepped out in faith and followed His instructions to the letter.
Our ark of safety in the coming storm is constructed by our faith and obedience. Our ark will ride on the surface of the waters just as Noah’s did!
“Don’t ask God to guide your steps if you are not willing to move your feet” (author unknown).
Friday, March 13, 2009
THE VISION by David Wilkerson (1973)
(In 1973 David Wilkerson published the book THE VISION. The following research was prepared to compare the prophetic statements in THE VISION to subsequent news reports.)
David Patterson 3/13/09
THE VISION by David Wilkerson (1973)
A) Economic Crash Coming
• There is worldwide economic confusion just ahead. In my vision this is the clearest thing I have seen… Not only is the American Dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. I see total economic confusion striking Europe first and then affecting Japan, the United States, Canada and all other nations shortly thereafter.” (P13:p1-2)
B) Everyone Will Be Affected
“…A recession of such magnitude that it will affect the lifestyle of nearly every wage earner in America and around the world. Countries that now control huge amounts of Western currency are going to be in very deep trouble also. Arab countries will be especially hurt.” (P13: p3)
“The net worth of American households fell by the largest amount in over a half century of record keeping during the fourth quarter of last year.” Associated Press, 3/12/09
C) Economists Confused
• “The world’s greatest economists will be at a loss to explain the confusion and an international crisis of fear will develop.
“It is no surprise that the overwhelming majority of economists… Ben Bernanke apparently among them, have been as surprised by the train wreck now hurling toward our economy as has been the laity. Economists are at a loss regarding how to avoid the train wreck… no [one] would ever suspect that the economics profession would be as unprepared and helpless to deal with that calamity as the profession has shown itself to be.” The Daily Princetonian, 2/08/09
D) False Boom
• A false economic boom will precede the recession – but it will be short lived.” (P13-14: p4)
Oct. 1, 2007— Dow rockets to all-time high, closes above 14,000
Mar. 2, 2009 — Dow at twelve-year low closes under 7000,
E) A Few Good Years to Prepare
• The next few years (from 1973) will be among the most prosperous in the history of mankind….Sales will continue to break records and people will spend more than ever in modern history.
“Family net worth had hit an all-time high of $64.36 trillion in the April-June quarter of 2007 but has fallen in every quarter since that time.” Associated Press, 3/12/09
F) Uncontrolled Credit Debt
• Credit debt will become nearly uncontrollable. I see, very clearly, just a few years of tremendous affluence and continued economic prosperity. Inflation, costs and wages will spiral higher and higher. ” (P14: p1-3)
“...Up to 45 percent of the world’s wealth has been destroyed by the global credit crisis.“ Reuters, 3/10/09
G) Bankruptcies of Major Corporations
• I believe we are going to witness the bankruptcies of some of this nations major and most popular corporations. I see tremendous difficulty arising for credit corporations. There are going to be many people unable to pay off their heavy obligations to major credit card companies, causing near chaos. Thousands of small businesses will also be forced into bankruptcies.
i.e.: Lehman Bros., Washington Mutual, IndyMac Bancorp, Peanut Corporation of America, Sharper Image, Linens ‘N Things, Circuit City
H) Government Panic
• The United States government is going to “overreact” to the confused economical developments…. I see a flurry of near-panic decisions being made by various government agencies – but these hasty efforts to shore up the economy will backfire.
Recent bailouts, stimulus packages, etc.
I) Auto Industry Hit Hard
• The auto industry is going to be badly hurt. Makers of recreational vehicles are going to get hit very hard.
Recent events: GM, Chrysler, Toyota posted first loss in 50 years…etc.
J) Building Industry Setbacks
• The building industry is going to face many setbacks. Housing starts will level off. There is a terrible squeeze coming to the building industry.
“Since 2004 when builders on the Business Journal’s Top 25 list constructed 2673 homes… the number of home starts dropped 61% through the end of 2008. “ Business Journal, 2/14/09
K) Gold Will Not Provide Security
• The price of gold is going to rise astronomically but it will not be sustained over a long period of time…neither silver nor gold will offer real security. Gold hoarders are going to get hurt badly. This is one of the most significant predictions in this book.
The London P.M. Fix price for gold in 1973 was $65 per ounce, in March 2008 it reached an all time high of $1,002. Currently sitting at $970 per ounce.
L) New World Monetary System
• There will develop a call for revamping all world monetary systems into one uniform system.
“European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny said that a tri-polar global currency system is developing between Asia, Europe and the US and that he is skeptical the US dollar’s centrality can be revived.” Bloomberg Financial Times, 10/19/08
M) Suicide by Overdose
• Economic setbacks and confusion will catch many unprepared for the consequences. Suicide will follow…from overdoses of sleeping pills and other chemical sedatives…Some very well-known people in the business world are going to commit suicide through overdoses of narcotics.
N) Social Aid Programs Will Be Cut
• Social aid programs are going to be cut back and curtailed and minority groups are going to be affected the most. These cutbacks, along with the curtailment of many government projects, will cause widespread unemployment among these groups.
“NY Gov: Rising deficit requires health care cuts” Reuters UK 8/11/08
A) Drastic Weather Changes
• The world is about to witness the beginnings of great sorrows brought about by history’s most drastic weather changes, earthquakes, floods terrible calamities – far surpassing anything ever yet witnessed.
“The eight warmest years on record (since 1850) have all occurred since 1998 with the warmest year being 2005.” Environmental Protection Agency website 2/18/09
“88,011 people were killed in earthquakes in 2008, with the largest number dying in China and Pakistan. In 2000, 231 people died worldwide in earthquakes.” United States Geological Society
B) Famine
• Famine is coming to the world in our generation and millions will die of starvation…
“Last year the number of the world’s hungry surged from 854 million to 967 million due to the steep climb in prices of staple foods. UN News Centre, 3/9/09
• Snowless winters will bring dismal crop production and famine conditions in central and western Russia. India, Pakistan and all of southeast Asia, and Africa will be especially hard hit.
“Snowless Winter in Russia: With Russia having the weirdest snowless winter in living memory, Moscow is literally importing tons of snow from Eastern Siberia to provide for an international skiing event. Russia would normally be covered with a thick layer of sparkling snow by the end of November, but this year vast regions of the country… have not had a flake of snow with just ten days to go before the new year.” The Hindu, India’s National Newspaper, 12/23/08
C) Depletion of Relief Funds
• Relief and disaster funds will become nearly depleted. Insurance companies will face huge losses.
“The Red Cross has depleted its disaster relief fund and is now borrowing money to pay for moving volunteers and supplies across the country to help with what the spokesman said were silent disasters.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 6/25/08
D) Outbreaks of Epidemics
• In the aftermath of famine, floods and earthquakes, mankind faces the threat of new epidemics. There will a major cholera epidemic sweeping through various underdeveloped countries. India and Pakistan face the threat of untold thousands dying from epidemic and starvation.
Some 88,000 people have now been affected by cholera in Zimbabwe, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) announced today. ..Nearly 4,000 have died from the disease which is caused by contaminated foor or water, the agency said. UN News Centre, 3/06/09
Cholera death toll in India rises: The death toll from an outbreak of cholera in the eastern Indian state of Orissa has risen to 115, officials say. The outbreak has affected Rayagada, Koraput and Kalahandi districts where more than 2,000 people have been admitted to hospitals, officials say. Doctors say contaminated food and water are to blame for the epidemic.
A) Pornography on TV
• Be warned – in the not too distant future X-rated porno movies will be show on select cable networks after midnight.
• Also available will be the same triple x rated video tapes for private home use. These videotapes can be played on any TV set with an electronic attachment.
Larry Flint, the founder of Hustler magazine says “You can now see on television material just as explicit as we were publishing in Hustler in 1974.” New York Times, 2/07/02
B) Sex Drug
• I believe a new sex drug will be concocted and distributed by the black market to teenagers and students. It will break down moral restraint and lead thousands of teenagers into promiscuous sex activity.
Ecstacy gained popularity in the 1980s. “Adolescents and young adults use [ecstasy] to promote euphoria, feelings of closeness, empathy, sexuality and to reduce inhibitions.” US Drug Enforcement Administration
C) Teenage alcoholism
• Teenage alcoholism will increase. We are going to face a critical drinking problem with teenagers between thirteen and sixteen years of age.
“Alcohol: The Number One Problem Among Teens: Alcohol use is the number one drug problem among young people. Teenagers are drinking younger and more frequently than before. They often start around age 13, according to studies. Young people almost always begin drinking because of peer pressure. They try to be accepted and included in the group. According to a national survey, 11 percent of eighth graders, 22 percent of tenth graders and 29 percent of twelfth graders had engaged in "binge" drinking within the past two weeks.” Health A-Z website
(Thank you for visiting our blog and for your interest in the ministry of David Wilkerson.
You may also find meaningful an article entitled "I Had A Dream" in which I share insights from Isaiah 47 that speak to our current crisis in the U.S.
Here is a link to that article
David Patterson 3/13/09
THE VISION by David Wilkerson (1973)
A) Economic Crash Coming
• There is worldwide economic confusion just ahead. In my vision this is the clearest thing I have seen… Not only is the American Dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. I see total economic confusion striking Europe first and then affecting Japan, the United States, Canada and all other nations shortly thereafter.” (P13:p1-2)
B) Everyone Will Be Affected
“…A recession of such magnitude that it will affect the lifestyle of nearly every wage earner in America and around the world. Countries that now control huge amounts of Western currency are going to be in very deep trouble also. Arab countries will be especially hurt.” (P13: p3)
“The net worth of American households fell by the largest amount in over a half century of record keeping during the fourth quarter of last year.” Associated Press, 3/12/09
C) Economists Confused
• “The world’s greatest economists will be at a loss to explain the confusion and an international crisis of fear will develop.
“It is no surprise that the overwhelming majority of economists… Ben Bernanke apparently among them, have been as surprised by the train wreck now hurling toward our economy as has been the laity. Economists are at a loss regarding how to avoid the train wreck… no [one] would ever suspect that the economics profession would be as unprepared and helpless to deal with that calamity as the profession has shown itself to be.” The Daily Princetonian, 2/08/09
D) False Boom
• A false economic boom will precede the recession – but it will be short lived.” (P13-14: p4)
Oct. 1, 2007— Dow rockets to all-time high, closes above 14,000
Mar. 2, 2009 — Dow at twelve-year low closes under 7000,
E) A Few Good Years to Prepare
• The next few years (from 1973) will be among the most prosperous in the history of mankind….Sales will continue to break records and people will spend more than ever in modern history.
“Family net worth had hit an all-time high of $64.36 trillion in the April-June quarter of 2007 but has fallen in every quarter since that time.” Associated Press, 3/12/09
F) Uncontrolled Credit Debt
• Credit debt will become nearly uncontrollable. I see, very clearly, just a few years of tremendous affluence and continued economic prosperity. Inflation, costs and wages will spiral higher and higher. ” (P14: p1-3)
“...Up to 45 percent of the world’s wealth has been destroyed by the global credit crisis.“ Reuters, 3/10/09
G) Bankruptcies of Major Corporations
• I believe we are going to witness the bankruptcies of some of this nations major and most popular corporations. I see tremendous difficulty arising for credit corporations. There are going to be many people unable to pay off their heavy obligations to major credit card companies, causing near chaos. Thousands of small businesses will also be forced into bankruptcies.
i.e.: Lehman Bros., Washington Mutual, IndyMac Bancorp, Peanut Corporation of America, Sharper Image, Linens ‘N Things, Circuit City
H) Government Panic
• The United States government is going to “overreact” to the confused economical developments…. I see a flurry of near-panic decisions being made by various government agencies – but these hasty efforts to shore up the economy will backfire.
Recent bailouts, stimulus packages, etc.
I) Auto Industry Hit Hard
• The auto industry is going to be badly hurt. Makers of recreational vehicles are going to get hit very hard.
Recent events: GM, Chrysler, Toyota posted first loss in 50 years…etc.
J) Building Industry Setbacks
• The building industry is going to face many setbacks. Housing starts will level off. There is a terrible squeeze coming to the building industry.
“Since 2004 when builders on the Business Journal’s Top 25 list constructed 2673 homes… the number of home starts dropped 61% through the end of 2008. “ Business Journal, 2/14/09
K) Gold Will Not Provide Security
• The price of gold is going to rise astronomically but it will not be sustained over a long period of time…neither silver nor gold will offer real security. Gold hoarders are going to get hurt badly. This is one of the most significant predictions in this book.
The London P.M. Fix price for gold in 1973 was $65 per ounce, in March 2008 it reached an all time high of $1,002. Currently sitting at $970 per ounce.
L) New World Monetary System
• There will develop a call for revamping all world monetary systems into one uniform system.
“European Central Bank council member Ewald Nowotny said that a tri-polar global currency system is developing between Asia, Europe and the US and that he is skeptical the US dollar’s centrality can be revived.” Bloomberg Financial Times, 10/19/08
M) Suicide by Overdose
• Economic setbacks and confusion will catch many unprepared for the consequences. Suicide will follow…from overdoses of sleeping pills and other chemical sedatives…Some very well-known people in the business world are going to commit suicide through overdoses of narcotics.
N) Social Aid Programs Will Be Cut
• Social aid programs are going to be cut back and curtailed and minority groups are going to be affected the most. These cutbacks, along with the curtailment of many government projects, will cause widespread unemployment among these groups.
“NY Gov: Rising deficit requires health care cuts” Reuters UK 8/11/08
A) Drastic Weather Changes
• The world is about to witness the beginnings of great sorrows brought about by history’s most drastic weather changes, earthquakes, floods terrible calamities – far surpassing anything ever yet witnessed.
“The eight warmest years on record (since 1850) have all occurred since 1998 with the warmest year being 2005.” Environmental Protection Agency website 2/18/09
“88,011 people were killed in earthquakes in 2008, with the largest number dying in China and Pakistan. In 2000, 231 people died worldwide in earthquakes.” United States Geological Society
B) Famine
• Famine is coming to the world in our generation and millions will die of starvation…
“Last year the number of the world’s hungry surged from 854 million to 967 million due to the steep climb in prices of staple foods. UN News Centre, 3/9/09
• Snowless winters will bring dismal crop production and famine conditions in central and western Russia. India, Pakistan and all of southeast Asia, and Africa will be especially hard hit.
“Snowless Winter in Russia: With Russia having the weirdest snowless winter in living memory, Moscow is literally importing tons of snow from Eastern Siberia to provide for an international skiing event. Russia would normally be covered with a thick layer of sparkling snow by the end of November, but this year vast regions of the country… have not had a flake of snow with just ten days to go before the new year.” The Hindu, India’s National Newspaper, 12/23/08
C) Depletion of Relief Funds
• Relief and disaster funds will become nearly depleted. Insurance companies will face huge losses.
“The Red Cross has depleted its disaster relief fund and is now borrowing money to pay for moving volunteers and supplies across the country to help with what the spokesman said were silent disasters.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 6/25/08
D) Outbreaks of Epidemics
• In the aftermath of famine, floods and earthquakes, mankind faces the threat of new epidemics. There will a major cholera epidemic sweeping through various underdeveloped countries. India and Pakistan face the threat of untold thousands dying from epidemic and starvation.
Some 88,000 people have now been affected by cholera in Zimbabwe, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) announced today. ..Nearly 4,000 have died from the disease which is caused by contaminated foor or water, the agency said. UN News Centre, 3/06/09
Cholera death toll in India rises: The death toll from an outbreak of cholera in the eastern Indian state of Orissa has risen to 115, officials say. The outbreak has affected Rayagada, Koraput and Kalahandi districts where more than 2,000 people have been admitted to hospitals, officials say. Doctors say contaminated food and water are to blame for the epidemic.
A) Pornography on TV
• Be warned – in the not too distant future X-rated porno movies will be show on select cable networks after midnight.
• Also available will be the same triple x rated video tapes for private home use. These videotapes can be played on any TV set with an electronic attachment.
Larry Flint, the founder of Hustler magazine says “You can now see on television material just as explicit as we were publishing in Hustler in 1974.” New York Times, 2/07/02
B) Sex Drug
• I believe a new sex drug will be concocted and distributed by the black market to teenagers and students. It will break down moral restraint and lead thousands of teenagers into promiscuous sex activity.
Ecstacy gained popularity in the 1980s. “Adolescents and young adults use [ecstasy] to promote euphoria, feelings of closeness, empathy, sexuality and to reduce inhibitions.” US Drug Enforcement Administration
C) Teenage alcoholism
• Teenage alcoholism will increase. We are going to face a critical drinking problem with teenagers between thirteen and sixteen years of age.
“Alcohol: The Number One Problem Among Teens: Alcohol use is the number one drug problem among young people. Teenagers are drinking younger and more frequently than before. They often start around age 13, according to studies. Young people almost always begin drinking because of peer pressure. They try to be accepted and included in the group. According to a national survey, 11 percent of eighth graders, 22 percent of tenth graders and 29 percent of twelfth graders had engaged in "binge" drinking within the past two weeks.” Health A-Z website
(Thank you for visiting our blog and for your interest in the ministry of David Wilkerson.
You may also find meaningful an article entitled "I Had A Dream" in which I share insights from Isaiah 47 that speak to our current crisis in the U.S.
Here is a link to that article
Friday, March 6, 2009
As I write this article, American news is filled with articles and comments regarding the “stimulus” bill that was signed by the President just days ago. While it will take time, perhaps even years, before we can really know what this particular piece of legislation has accomplished, the initial response from Wall Street and the world financial markets has not been very positive. It has already begun, but in the days ahead we will hear a great deal of “explaining” by both sides of the issue attempting to help us understand why the stimulus has or has not worked. I know this is cynical, but the lawmakers in Washington treat the general public like we are mushrooms—they keep us in the dark and spread manure on us.
God has a stimulus program that does work and it works in good times and bad.
Genesis 26:1-3, 12 says: “There was a famine in the land…. Then the LORD appeared to him (Isaac) and said: “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you. Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your descendants I give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father…. Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him.”
When the economy tightens, our natural tendency is to respond by tightening our belts. We tighten things up financially by cutting down on discretionary spending, and that’s not bad. For the believer, however, giving needs to be separated out of our discretionary file. I don’t give to my church or to the work of the Lord using the same consideration as I do when I am considering buying an extra pair of socks or taking my wife out to dinner. When it comes to giving, I do not weigh the positives and the negatives and see which one carries the most weight. If you do that when considering your giving, you will never give. I give because it is a part of my worship and I understand that God blesses a giving and generous spirit. I refuse to allow any taint of legalism or legalistic principles to get into my giving. I give because I want to, I have purposed to, and it is a joy!
Isaac sowed in the midst of a famine because he understood the law of sowing and reaping. “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7b) and, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
So what do we do as the economy continues to falter and inflation begins to show its ugly face? What were God’s instructions to Isaac? “Don’t go back to Egypt.” Don’t allow worldly principles to guide your decisions. “Live in the land of which I shall tell you.” Stay firm in the faith and in the truth of God’s unwavering care for His children.
God’s promise to His children was really quite simple:
• Don’t stop living as a Kingdom dweller; don’t stop giving because we are in a famine. If we give into that line of thinking, there will always be a famine of one thing or another to stop you from giving to the Lord’s work. If you are not a giver then you need to start, right now, because you are missing the blessing of the Lord. Giving is not going to affect your salvation and you are not cursed if you don’t give, but you will miss out on a lot of the blessing that God promises to the generous!
• Listen for the voice of the Lord and He will speak to you. God has been very precious in speaking to Carol and me in the last few months about our lifestyle and some adjustments He has asked us to make. If God can talk to a hardhead like me, He can certainly talk to you—and He will.
• God promises to be with you. In a way, this is the best promise of all…to know that God is with us, right here, right now! God is with us! If that’s not security, then nothing can be!
• God promises to bless His obedient children. I believe in the law of sowing and reaping. In the natural, if you sow carrot seeds you don’t reap pumpkins. In the spiritual world, when we sow our financial gifts as an act of worship, it is foolish to think that the only way we are going to reap is to reap monetarily. When we give and release it to the Lord, then He promises to bless us and He will do it in the way that He knows will meet our needs and circumstances the best.
So, do you want to “stimulate your harvest?” Plant more seed!
God has a stimulus program that does work and it works in good times and bad.
Genesis 26:1-3, 12 says: “There was a famine in the land…. Then the LORD appeared to him (Isaac) and said: “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you. Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your descendants I give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father…. Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him.”
When the economy tightens, our natural tendency is to respond by tightening our belts. We tighten things up financially by cutting down on discretionary spending, and that’s not bad. For the believer, however, giving needs to be separated out of our discretionary file. I don’t give to my church or to the work of the Lord using the same consideration as I do when I am considering buying an extra pair of socks or taking my wife out to dinner. When it comes to giving, I do not weigh the positives and the negatives and see which one carries the most weight. If you do that when considering your giving, you will never give. I give because it is a part of my worship and I understand that God blesses a giving and generous spirit. I refuse to allow any taint of legalism or legalistic principles to get into my giving. I give because I want to, I have purposed to, and it is a joy!
Isaac sowed in the midst of a famine because he understood the law of sowing and reaping. “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7b) and, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
So what do we do as the economy continues to falter and inflation begins to show its ugly face? What were God’s instructions to Isaac? “Don’t go back to Egypt.” Don’t allow worldly principles to guide your decisions. “Live in the land of which I shall tell you.” Stay firm in the faith and in the truth of God’s unwavering care for His children.
God’s promise to His children was really quite simple:
• Don’t stop living as a Kingdom dweller; don’t stop giving because we are in a famine. If we give into that line of thinking, there will always be a famine of one thing or another to stop you from giving to the Lord’s work. If you are not a giver then you need to start, right now, because you are missing the blessing of the Lord. Giving is not going to affect your salvation and you are not cursed if you don’t give, but you will miss out on a lot of the blessing that God promises to the generous!
• Listen for the voice of the Lord and He will speak to you. God has been very precious in speaking to Carol and me in the last few months about our lifestyle and some adjustments He has asked us to make. If God can talk to a hardhead like me, He can certainly talk to you—and He will.
• God promises to be with you. In a way, this is the best promise of all…to know that God is with us, right here, right now! God is with us! If that’s not security, then nothing can be!
• God promises to bless His obedient children. I believe in the law of sowing and reaping. In the natural, if you sow carrot seeds you don’t reap pumpkins. In the spiritual world, when we sow our financial gifts as an act of worship, it is foolish to think that the only way we are going to reap is to reap monetarily. When we give and release it to the Lord, then He promises to bless us and He will do it in the way that He knows will meet our needs and circumstances the best.
So, do you want to “stimulate your harvest?” Plant more seed!
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